Times are changing as we are seeing more visibly plus size people in content, advertising, and marketing campaigns. But one of the most interesting changes that we’ve seen, is the inclusion of plus size stock images.
Now, we’re not just talking about a random plus size person in lingerie or in clothing. No, we’re talking about the stock images that newspapers, magazines, blogs, and publications use to help illustrate a narrative or story centering plus size people.
One of the first brands to do this was Refinery 29 with the 67% campaign with Getty’s images.
Then, we saw a Canva partnership with Unsplash, who created a variety of imagery of images that represented the plus size people and various types of lifestyles.
Shortly after this, All Go, the plus size app, introduced their own set of plus size stock images. Here, they made sure to highlight and include various lifestyles and sizing, along with representation with identity.

Now, we have contemporary retailer, Navabi to be the latest brand to introduce their own set of plus size stock images, for public use.
If you search Google for ‘business woman’, ‘relationship breakdown’ or ‘drinking coffee’ all popular stock images, it’s virtually impossible to find an image featuring a plus size person.
In my opinion, it’s important to end the default presence of thinness in images and represent a diverse range of body shapes and sizes.
In response to this problem, we researched some of the most-downloaded stock images and recreated them with plus size people. Bethany Rutter, Social editor at Navabi shares with us.
Why You Should Care About Plus Size Stock Images

In a time where body diversity is being constantly scrutinized, anytime that Lizzo or Tess Holliday or any other plus size person celebrates themselves, they’re automatically criticized with the “glorifying obesity” trope.
B. T. Dubs, this is tired.

Writer and fashion influencer Stephanie Yeboah said:
Often times when you put ‘plus size’ or ‘fat’ into a stock image website, 9 times out of 10 the person is either eating fast food, sitting on the sofa or staring out of a window looking depressed.
In actual fact, this isn’t the reality of the vast majority of plus-sized people, and it’s important that we have the representation we deserve: photos of plus-sized people doing “normal things” because that’s what we are.
Our lives are not limited to wanting to lose weight or trying on clothes that don’t fit.
It’s important to have photos of plus-sized people in a variety of different contexts.
The more that we see plus size bodies living their life fully, the more that we’re able to normalize and recognize that our bodies come in different shapes and sizes.
That yes, plus size people are living life proudly confidently and out loud.

By illustrating all types of life, as a plus size person we have visibility. Not just among mainstream media, but for ourselves.
This type of representation matters, so that we can see ourselves- no matter if it is affirmation or inspiration.
It Matters.
Navabi’s Own Plus Size Stock Imagery
With another brand introducing their own sets of images, this helps further the conversation around the need of representation.

When it comes to Navabi’s addition to the plus size stock options, we can only imagine where else and how else we can create additional imagery of plus size people living their lives.
Diana Thompson, one of the models from the stock images project, said:
This particular campaign felt important to me, as it is putting a variety of non-industry shapes and faces into the types of images we never see
Normal stock images, doing everyday things without the caveat of it being outlandish or mocking.

It is confirmation that we exist. That other people can see us and helps normalize the plus size body.
The question to you is when it comes to plus size stock imagery, what do you still feel is missing?
What images would you like to see to represent you in your life?

One of the most noticeable trends we see with these plus size stock images, is how inclusivity plays a huge role within the plus size stock imagery options.
We have seen Black, Latina, and even inclusion for the LGBTQIA community, with these brands.
This is A NEED.
Grab these images at Navabi.co.uk
As brands and companies start to create more plus size stock imagery, we hope that this affect change. That this will influence marketing and advertising executives to start to include the same type of imagery.
I know that I would love to see plus size families and generations. How about more lifestyle options?
We are moving the needle on this is! It is really exciting to see and we cannot wait to see what else comes from this…