I do love a great heroine. I love one who kicks butts and takes names. I love the strength, power, independence, and confidence of a heroine, so today I wanted to share with you a few paintings and sketches that embodied all of this in to a plus size woman. The Plus Size Superhero is one to definitely make you smile, or is it just me?
Either way, I feel inspired, sitting here thinking of what my superpower would be. This is a tough one to think about too! LOLÂ I mean seriously, you try!
Anywho, I wanted to spotlight us looking all badass and looking amazing while saving the world! Are you ready? Here we go:
Plus Size Art: The Plus Size Superhero
The Pearl by Steel Gavel
Reader Submitted By Kid Quantum
Karen Constatine  by Neiypien
NightBlade by Rhineville
Super Sized Hero by Ruben Esq
Svanhilda by Monsta
Ceventh Aldran by Sakoyo
If you saw these women growing up on cartoons or in the comic books we read, would you be inspired? Would this have helped you as a child? I think I would have had a doll or two or have made room for her next to She-Ra… Yes, I loved me some She-Ra. Who didn’t?
Either way, I think seeing these and reading the descriptions of these artists’ creations is quite admirable and cool. I love this.
Slow down time would be my super power although invisibility is always a good one!
Ohhhhh! I like how you think!
I’m here for aalllllllll of this! I would have loved to see more women of color covered but I’m pretty sure for a girl like who likes to read a good comic or two, I would pay to have these in a collection. If I could be a superhero I would want to move things with my mind…like floating a piece of chocolate across the room when I’m too lazy to get up and get it….#priorities.
I have updated it boo! @ElleSoReal:disqus thanks to a few readers, we have two images!!! 🙂
This is so amazingly awesome!!!! What great talent!! I may have literally let out a “squeee” haha LOVE. I would give this to my Niece! (though I’d love to see all shapes, colors, genders, etc) And I’d read this myself!! I think my super powers would be flying (because airplanes aren’t made for larger people anymore, and I’m deathly afraid of flying in airplanes anyway…I think its because I’m not the one flying the plane *read control issues) and then I’d love to be a shapeshifter…and maybe throw in a dash of mind control!
heheheh I love that you have though this out!!! Yeahhh to sharing with your niece, this is perfection!
I’m a guy and I love these! Super Sized is my absolute favorite! I could really see these as actual comic book heroines! Hell I’d love to write the stories myself!
If you’d love to write, and if curvy is willing to illustrate, I’m willing to use Mutants and Masterminds 2nd Edition to manage a world and run the villains (probably gonna be patriarchal skinny-ista-s)….contact me on FB via Sacred Shapings (which I own)
I love these! I’m a bit of a comic book nerd, and I would read the HECK out of these if they were comics! The super power I would have? Matter manipulation, turn object into things I need, or just want. I have had this discussion many times before! Lol!
Love this post sooooo much these drawings are amazing. If i had a power it would be Teleportation never miss a fashion show or event anywhere in the world and save a fortune on travel 😀
A comic based on these women? Yes please. My only real digs are the same ones I have against the skinnier girls in the mainstream comics, the practicality of the average heroine’s wardrobe in the face of people armed with guns, knives, fireballs, laser beams, etc. But besides that (and an equally minor quibble about techie girls not getting enough love,) I really like this.