Hope you enjoyed meeting Ashley Rose of This is Ashley Rose last week. This week, I’m very excited to introduce you to Lucia of U Can’t Wear That! I absolutely love her body positive attitude and her fearlessness in experimenting with fashion! She is a plus size fashion blogger you NEED TO KNOW!!!
Meet Lucia of U Can’t Wear That!
Blog: http://www.ucantwearthat.com/
Height: 5’3″
Age: 30
Location: Derbyshire, UK
What made you want to become a fashion blogger?
I would often have plus size women stop me in the street and ask about my clothes. These were often things that were not found on the high street, such as large men’s shirts that I had customized or a piece of clothing my grandma had made over 30 years ago. I decided to start blogging to show people that fashion is what you make it, no matter what size you are.
What are the challenges, if any, you face in being petite and plus-size?
I have been a lot more plus size than I am today. At the size I am now, I don’t really face any challenges when it comes to fashion, especially when I compare it to when I was so much bigger. I am grateful to be the height I am as I feel it benefits me in my personal style. I love midi length pieces and with being so short a lot of things hit me at just the length I like.
What’s your favorite thing about being petite and plus-size?
I love the oversized/boyfriend look. This look is very difficult to obtain when you are right at the top end of the retailers ‘plus size scale’ but I find being short gives you space to play around with the oversized look using garments in your actual size.
What’s your favorite thing about being a blogger? A petite plus fashion blogger?
I love the feedback I get from my blog. It genuinely makes me happy when people let me know they have worn something they have wanted to wear but never had the confidence before. My main goal with my blog is to make people forget about labels and simply try things on. I have been surprised many a time by what I can wear even though the label says it shouldn’t fit. We think brands are limiting what we can wear when in fact, we limit ourselves just as much if not more.
Who/what are your favorite designers/brands?
For my day-to-day wardrobe, I tend to buy a lot of items from ASOS Curve and Yours Clothing, but as I am getting older, I am happier to spend a bit extra on items that will last longer. I have a current obsession with dresses from Lady V London. Getting higher end, good quality items right up at the higher end of plus size is a bit of a struggle.
Describe your personal style.
I would say my personal style is a bit all over the place. I love vintage dresses and big prints. I have knitwear galore but on an average day you will find me in a pair of jeans and Converse. I literally see something I like and buy it, and then I make it work for me.
Any bloggers currently on your radar?
I tend to look to American bloggers when it comes to inspiration, like Garner Style and Gabifresh. There are a lot of UK blogging girls who are very inspiring and who I always read. They are WannabePrincess; Mrs Bebe Blog; Pretty Big Butterflies and Fuller Figure Fuller Bust, and the list goes on.
Anything else you want The Curvy Fashionista’s readers to know?
I just want people to trust their gut more when it comes to fashion and just wear whatever you want. If you see something, and it’s a size or two smaller but you love it, just try it on! The whole point is that fashion is individual. It’s not always what it says on the tin [sic]; turn a dress into a top or vice versa and just have fun!
Hope you enjoyed meeting Lucia! Do you already read her blog? Any plus-size bloggers you want to see featured? Let us know below!
Are you a plus size blogger who wants to be featured? Please make sure that you contact us, and we’ll be in touch!
I love this interview with Lucia. She has a distinct style that is all her own! I will be following her for sure.
Isnt she cool!!! Love her!
Fashion is not limited to anyone. It doesn’t mean that if you are plus-size person, you can’t have a sense for fashion at all. It is all about personality that matters.
I loved Lucia’s style and perspective on fashion for the plush size woman. Lucia of U Can’t Wear That! You Rock girl! I agree that we should take a step of faith and try it on, then go from there in our efforts to be creative and inventive in developing our own personal style.