Can we talk about Saturday’s episode? Let’s talk about Centric’s Curvy Style with Timothy Snell and the latest episode! Now I don’t know about you, but I really appreciate a show that showcases plus size women where we are at and the fashion that brings us here. I mean we’ve had plus size series that talk about us losing weight, that talk about us being sad, and talking about us dancing, but when it comes to just fashion? We haven’t had just a fashion focused series. Last week was the debut of Curvy Style with Timothy Snell and today we’re going to dive into the latest episode, is that alright?
So this latest episode was all about our insecurities. I mean most of us have certain parts of our bodies that we may either like or love, may want to minimize or conceal, and then conversely, we all have body parts that we just love to enhance and show off. I love my legs and SOMETIMES my girls. For the latest episode, we have both the makeover and the celebrity client wanting to play UP their décolletage!
Let’s jump right into it!
Curvy Style With Timothy Snell Episode 2
Celebrity Client: Jazmine Sullivan
One of the things that I really appreciate it was Jazmine Sullivan and her conversation about how she felt about her arms and how she felt about her “girls.” A lot of women, especially you guys, have shared concerns about not wanting to show your arms and guess what? That’s okay! I appreciated that Jazmine shared this with us… it was sort of affirming! With the help of designer Michael Costello, Timothy Snell listened and gave her something that both covered and play down her arms but accentuated and gave her confidence with her cleavage!

Timothy Snell Style Tip: Did you see that Timothy tacked her dress to her bra? I mean, I have heard of Hollywood tape, but actually sewing the dress to the bra? Brilliant! Ha!
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The Makeover Client:
And for the makeover? Timothy had a client who was recently divorced, who lost a significant amount of weight, and who was in a new space! She wanted to shake things up and get back in the dating scene but she was still trying to learn her body! Talk about changes!
image from Centric
So after consulting with Timothy, they met at Chic and Curvy Boutique in Inglewood, California! Here, they had her try on different dresses and styles! It was here, where she was trying these on that she was able to see her shape! Timothy got his Glam Squad together, hooked up her hair and make-up, and then gave her this really awesome dress that played up her girls, and gave her something that she felt confident and beautiful in!
Every curvy woman deserves to be styled by the Curve Connoisseur, Timothy Snell. #CurvyStyleCentric
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What are a few of your insecurities and areas you flaunt? And how do you play them up or down?
So remember when I spoke about meeting us where we are at? I appreciate that each episode addresses plus size women at different stages in their fashion journey! This week was all about insecurities and last week we had a client wanting to break away from her addiction to leggings!
What will next week bring? I’m curious to see how the rest of the series unfold! If you are on twitter, you can follow and join the conversation, using the hashtag #CurvyStyleCentric!
Watching some of the commentary was like a mixed bag! Some people are loving the show and what it’s giving them- ideas and tips and inspiration, while some wanted a bit more. I get it! For me, I find it interesting that each episode we are met with a different woman at a different place in her life! So while there may be some of the stories we have heard or seen before, we also get new ones! A woman celebrating her 40th birthday, a woman who is recently divorced and back in the dating game?
It’s cool to see a different perspective, but just to enjoy a show just about the fashion? Awesome. One that’s just focused on fashion and empowering women to feel good in their fashion? I’m really curious to see where this will take us and what comes of this!
Curvy Style with Timothy Snell comes on Saturdays at 10 p.m. on Centric TV!
Learn more about Curvy Style with Timothy Snell on!
I want to hear from you! What do you think? Did you enjoy the show?
I really liked it. I mean I think jazmine is gorgeous. And a lot of woman including family members hate their arms. It like runs in the woman side of the family. I don’t think twice anymore it’s rare I second guess them and I’m glad this show is showing people that’s it’s fine about how you feel. Just do not let it ruin your life. It’s easier being outside looking in to say this but being a person that is heavy on top and bottom and arms are not even close to slim gives me the insight to find your confidence by showing what makes you look and feel good.
I am right there with you… I think it is great to see others with their own personal insecurities and how they bounce back and make it work!