The Shade Room is expanding its range into production with the announcement of their forthcoming competition show, Thick House. Hosted by former America’s Next Top Model contestant Toccara Jones, alongside judges EJ King and stylist/blogger Kelly Augustine, the team will be looking for “the next viral plus-size modeling sensation,” as reported by Deadline.
Will You Be Tuning In To Thick House?!
Seven plus size beauties will compete in hopes of building a new fan base. Special guests already include singer/actress Amber Riley. Some have already compared the show to Lizzo’s unscripted series from Amazon Studios.
However, the two concepts are very different, so trust, there’s enough curvy content to go around!
Jones expressed via Instagram, “the ONLY thing better than the competition is the [fire] commentary.”
Thick House premieres on May 16th at 4pm via Facebook Watch.
Are you going to tune in?