I’m definitely not a make-up-nista. I only wear makeup to work on occasion and when I do its usually just concealer and lip gloss unless I’m going out after work. Otherwise, I only wear make-up when I’m going out or for special occasions. But, I’ve always read in magazines that women should wear makeup to work as it makes us look more professional.
Editor-in-chief of Elle magazine, Robbie Myers, is shattering the notion that women should wear makeup to work.
She says, “Here’s the problem with makeup at work, and I tell this to people in my office: if you start wearing makeup when you’re young, you’re going to be wedded to it. You get used to seeing your face that way and then you feel naked without it.”
I have to agree with her on this statement in general.
Personally, I know women who started wearing makeup as teenagers and now they refuse to leave the house without it. From admittance or observation, they were so insecure about anyone, even their boyfriends, seeing them without makeup. This was because they felt “ugly” without it.
I understand what Ms. Myers is trying to say, but I don’t think it should be relegated to work exclusively.
I think it’s just a rule in general.
Yes, anyone can look better with a little bit of makeup.
A little. Not caked on.
I think I look much more fierce with makeup on, BUT I know I’m still beautiful without it.
There’s nothing wrong with wearing a little makeup if you want. Get your life!
But the issue is when it becomes a crutch. This can mess with your self-esteem and when you think you are hideous and not worthy of being seen without it.
Now, that speaks to a deeper issue.
I say wear makeup to work if you want or don’t. That shouldn’t affect your performance. But, do keep it classy and subtle during work hours. The nightclub makeup at work is not cute. But, most importantly, be OKAY with yourself and how you look with AND without it.
Read the full story here
Do you wear makeup to work? Are you a slave to makeup or are you au naturale? Love to hear your thoughts!
I guess i fall into the “always wear makeup” group. I will admit that I do feel I look ‘weird’ without it (uneven skin tone, less defined brows). With that said I really only do some concealer, brows and some light mascara. I have been making an effort lately to scale back (wearing a light powder instead of full coverage foundation) in an effort to slowly wean myself off of it. When I do go without makeup I always wonder how I’m received…
I have learned to get more comfortable in my skin with less and less makeup it is funny but I actually love it… but I have also been trying to work on the texture of my skin and complexion..
I was a just lipgloss/lipstick person for years and then finally got help making and learning to apply a basic palette. I had built up to it, finding out that just lining my eyes and using mascara really made my eyes pop (long lashes). I basically liked the fact that adding that one little bit got me a lot of compliments on “my makeup” even though that point my entire routine was eyeliner, mascara,and lipgloss.
I love the way I look with eyeshadow and I’ve gotten very good at it but most of my favorite looks are pretty neutral. I think at least learn how to do a basic eye b/c what happens with most of my friends is that they have eyeshadow, never use it, and then do something pretty horrific when they decide to do it for special occasions. So if you own any, have someone show you what to do. I was amazed at how easy it was and once you get the basics, it is easy to switch out and play with colors.
But I’m not afraid to go out without makeup even though I probably wear something to work.
I’m pretty lucky that my skin is smooth and even so I don’t have to bother with foundations, powders, etc.
I personally feel like everyone probably has a feature that a little makeup can make pop but if you have bad skin, I think working on that so you can wear it bare is better than caking on the makeup, b/c I think that is where it really does become a crutch. I’ve known people who were very good at applying makeup and it wasn’t until I saw them barefaced and unrecognizable that I realized how much they were wearing (it’s like the makeup equivalent of a strobelight honey)…
Work and I DO ENVY the smooth skin… I try to drink oooodles of water to play it out… to at least keep my skin happy!!!!
When I worked in an office I would wear makeup up to work. Nothing crazy -kept it subtle and neutral most of the time. However, if I was having a bad day or just wasn’t feeling well I would skip it. The good thing was people hardly noticed if I did or I didn’t so that’s awesome! Now that I work at home, I wear makeup even less. You have to give your skin a chance to breathe you know?
I do know! LOL Thank you foor the love! 😀
I always wear makeup to work, but I’m not a slave to it. If I’m just going out to run errands, I very rarely wear it. I worked in a management position in a professional office environment for years, and from my experience women who put in some effort (not necessarily a full face of makeup, but at least try to hide the under-eye circles and attempt to look bright and awake) are regarded as more put-together and are viewed by many managers and supervisors as one who takes pride in not only themselves, but in their quality of work. On that same note, don’t wear so much that you look fake or like you’re heading out to the club right after work…and for heaven’s sake, take the time to learn proper application techniques before busting out the brow pencil and liquid liner. I’m a makeup artist with my own cosmetics company now, and while I tend to wear a lot of color to shows and what-not, I actually don’t wear foundation much at all… So even though I do wear heavy eye makeup often, the minimalist approach to everything else really helps to keep the look balanced so I don’t look “overdone” or fake.
Completely understand! If I am out and about in my city, I will just maybe MAYYYYBEEE rock some powder… 😀 And my brows
My make up routine is BB cream, mascara and lipgloss.. Very natural for work. When I go out I just wear dramatic eye makeup and subdued everywhere else. Any other time make up free 😉
I hear you!
Some women wear makeup because it’s fun. Or because they like how they look in it. Or for whatever reason they want to. This whole ’embrace your natural self!!’ rhetoric is so problematic toward people who might just be taking full agency over their looks and doing whatever the hell they want with it in a society that constantly dictates to us how we should manage ourselves. This is just doing the same thing as everything that tells us to be tall, to be thin, to be white, etc. Assuming that wearing makeup indicates a lack of confidence or a fear of oneself plays into that so shamelessly that I’m surprised to see it on a so-called body acceptance blog. Ugh.
I think you have completely missed our pint. This topic was written about because it was in a women;s fashion magazine, which had us thinking and it gave us pause… http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/29/makeup-at-work-problem_n_3353229.html?utm_hp_ref=style&ir=Style
Tiara DID NOT say wearing makeup= low self esteem… please reread that paragraph, in which she said relying solely upon it as a crutch can become an issue…
I LOVE and wear makeup and LIVE in it! I love playing in it, but I do not define my beauty by it… this is what Tiara (my writer) is addressing… I am sorry if you thought that this was knocking those (like me) who rock out in makeup, as this WAS NOT the point or intention of the article
I very rarely wear makeup. Part of it is that I’m just lazy (I put so much work into my hair that makeup falls way down the list of priorities!) and also I have sensitive skin & allergies so I can’t wear just anything. I love Maybelline BB Fresh for special occasions and covering up PMS blemishes but other than that, I don’t stray beyond the basics (lipstick, eyeshadow, blush).
I’m leery of heavy makeup use not just because of the potential psychological dependence, but because it can seriously mess with your skin! While there are a lot more natural/organic products available, most of use mainstream products that contain lots of chemicals and dyes. People forget that your skin is an organ and it absorbs all that stuff. So as careful as people are starting to be about clean eating & natural hair products, they should be about makeup too. Your skin naturally produces the oils, collagen, etc it needs to give you a “glow” provided you don’t have medical issues & are giving it proper nutrition and exercise. Putting on a full face of makeup 5-7 days a week throws that off and disrupts the natural processes. For example, I’ve read that many suncreen products have ingredients that are considered toxic and are banned overseas. Oxybenzone is a hormone disruptor and retinyl palmitate (vitamin A) may speed the development of skin tumors & lesions. Bottom line- if you can’t eat the ingredients, do your research & think twice before putting it on your skin!
Well I totally am a member of the makeup junkie group. I think it is a personal preference but like fashion it is a way to express yourself. I do think though in a work environment that it makes one look less polished without makeup.
I agree. I love makeup too but I don’t wear my everyday makeup like I’m going clubbing either. I know the difference between night and day makeup. I wear makeup everyday. It makes me feel more put together, confident plus it’s fun and creative. I definitely don’t see putting makeup on as a chore. I actually look forward to it. I like the way I look wearing makeup and I get compliments on my makeup and that boosts my confidence too!
I wear makeup to work…I don’t have the best skin and it helps hide the black spots. Plus for me, *I* don’t feel finished. But I wear foundation, lip gloss over lipsticl and on occasion, eyeshadow. There are times when I might wear more–if I’m going out to represent my company at a business function. But I never pile it on. I’ll wear more makeup on my wedding day than normal. I know people who don’t go anywhere without makeup…but not me. When you’re peri-menopausal and sweat like you’ve ran 10 miles in 10 seconds, a ton of makeup is not your friend.
Does anyone know a good makeup line I can try? I haven’t worn makeup in years, and am feeling like I want to get back in the game….All opinions welcomed..Thanks..
I highly recommend Everyday Minerals. It’s very similar to Bare Minerals without the ingredient most people find themselves allergic to, PLUS it’s a heck of a lot cheaper! Just make sure to moisturize underneath and if you want it to look a little less powdery, use a face spray to help solidify it and bring it all together.
I personally love and hate makeup all at once. I used to wear nothing and now feel naked leaving the house without it. I do find that once I start to put it on though, the entire face has to go on – I can’t just leave it at powder like I used to. I don’t see anything wrong with makeup though. It’s a good tool for enhancing your natural beauty. 🙂
I’ve seen studies (I can’t remember where, but Google should be helpful) that women who don’t wear makeup to work often don’t get promoted. I do wear makeup but I stick to neutral shades. I don’t think that the workplace is the time to look like you’re going clubbing.
It is possible to make your own makeup to save money, but often, one must buy the ingredients online and by the time you’ve done that, you might as well have bought the stuff in the store. I stick to lower-prices brands that don’t break the bank, like Covergirl. I don’t think one should have to spend a ton to look good.
No, there is nothing wrong with wearing makeup to work. No one knows why you wear makeup. I think if you do wear makeup to work it shows the clients and management that you care about your appearance and you are willing to put in the extra effort to care about your appearance. Clients aren’t going to ask you why you wear makeup. But they might compliment you on your makeup and that will boost your confidence.
Depends on the redness of my skin (rosacea) and where I have to go. To building sites (about 90% of workweek), not always, when I have to go to the office, always.
whatever you feel like doing, just dont go overboard
I’m a makeup artist and I don’t wear makeup to work every day to my full time job and I have skin blemishes and I don’t have full eyebrows and I feel just as beautiful as when I beat my face.
I do just because my skin isn’t great. Very minimalist just a lil foundation blush and maybe gloss or mascara.
I do. It makes me feel better
I do anything from simple to full face every day at work. Sometimes it helps me bond with my teen girls–we talk highlight, brows, etc.
I’ve worked in many industries, for non-profits and for-profits, for men, for women, and I can honestly say, it doesn’t matter to anyone. What matters in business (perhaps not all but most) is the contributions you bring to that business. Results matter. Makeup shouldn’t. If makeup brings you confidence, wear it like armor. If being fresh-faced is your thing, be bold in it. Let your WORK speak for you, not your lip gloss.
Precisely. I have never had any sense that I should or must wear makeup in work. I do so because I want to but its as natural as I can get it.
Do whatever makes you happy.
I worked in a diesel garage/towing company a very dirty environment and wearing make up and lot of hair product just made matters worse. So just tinted lip gloss & masscara.
It’s extremely rare if I ever wear makeup at all because I just don’t care, but I agree with Gorenc and the author about not going crazy with it if you’re gonna do it.
its very perfect to wear makeup to work. i do it everyday, when am on morning shift or night call. i enjoy it
If you want to…yes. If you don’t want to…no. It’s all part of maintaining bodily autonomy. It’s your choice. I know in some areas it’s an expectation and in some work environments almost a condition of employment but like anything else you have the right of choice and it’s up to you.
I only wear eyeliner to work.
I wear makeup to work but I do work with some ladies who don’t – I need concealer under my eyes especially and the rest of my makeup is fairly light on. I think I look better wearing makeup to work and as I’m representing my workplace, I like to look presentable. But, to each their own – if you can rock no makeup at work and look awesome, then more power to you ðâ¤ï¸ðâ¤ï¸
Personal preference on any given day.
I am not giving up my makeup. No way. No how.
Personal preference. I don’t wear it at all unless its a special occasion so i can’t tell someone else not to do what makes them feel beautiful
Same here.
I am far too lazy to put on makeup every day. I can barely make it to work on time as is anyway.
My dilemma exactly!
Do whatever the hell you want, I say. And don’t we have better things to talk about?
That’s 15 minutes I could be sleeping instead. 😀 Only on special occasions. But I don’t care what anyone else does. I don’t think it should be *expected*, though.
Nope. Not because i dont want to. I would sweat it off within the first 10 minutes or wipe my eyes and have racoon eyes.
I don’t cuz I wake up with enough time to shower, make coffee and throw clothes on
I have to wear make-up to work. It’s in my job description. LOL (I’m a cosmetician and make-up artist.) But even when I didn’t have to wear it, I did. If I worked in an office, I’d still wear, though likely less dramatic than I do at my current job. But it’s my personal style and choice, so I respect that it’s not for everyone.
No. I get up early enough as it is.
It’s a personal choice. I have varied degrees from my everyday work face, to very little on the weekend and full glam for special occasions.
Interesting. Work is somewhere I think you should wear make up–putting your best face forward and all that. I have been asked if I am ill or told I look tired when I don’t wear it, and though I find that enormously frustrating, I certainly don’t want to look ill! I have a job that involves interaction with the public, and I want to feel like I am making an effort. Not sure about the teenage thing…I did not wear lots of makeup as a kid. My skin is quite blotchy and that isn’t pretty, plus I have small eyes. I feel like I am doing the world a favor by trying to improve this mess!
I love wearing makeup. I’m not a particularly creative person but makeup is where I like to experiment. It’s not for everybody and no one should be made to feel as though they should be wearing it, but I enjoy cosmetics and getting dressed up for work.
Personal preference, but too much makeup for work I think is a thing.
I am a hairstylist, being in the beauty industry I kind of have to. Some days I wear less when I’m in a time pinch, some of my co workers don’t wear much more than mascara but I pretty much choose to wear a full face daily.
I wear makeup to work whenever I can. It makes you look very professional and put together.
Yes I always wear makeup to work but keep it neutral and toned down.
To wear make up to work, I’d have to give up sleep. NOT happening.
I used to wear makeup to work until I got a job managing a warehouse that doesn’t have air conditioning. One day I decided to stop wasting my money and quit wearing it because I was just sweating it all off.
If you like makeup, wear it. If it gives you confidence, wear it.
If you don’t like it, don’t wear it.
Why is this even up for debate? Why are women still telling other women what they should and shouldn’t do?
So more enlightened women can tell us what we should or shouldn’t debate about ð
For me, yes! Not overdone and a natural look…
I can’t be bothered tbh. My patients wont care and I can sleep longer. I was mistaken for 19 yesterday anyway and I am 37. I don’t need makeup to mess with people ð
I barely wear make up. But for an important meeting with other partners I go for nude lipstick, mascara, eye liner and nude powder. In regular days just got the mascara and gloss on ð
I am a registered nurse and I usually wear makeup to work because I like to look polished and pulled together but I rarely wear makeup on my off days.
Do whatever you want. The end.
Haahahahahahahahahahaha! Worry about yourself.
love this clip. she’s too funny.
I work from home so I don’t bother unless I am going out to meet clients. Tinted BB cream, mascara and red lippie are all you need!
That’s my go to look, but I will fill in my brows to be more polished
i know that i am treated better, listened to more, and complemented more when i wear make up. i usually don’t wear make-up, but i have noticed a very stark difference between how i am treated when i do wear it versus when i don’t. makeup is basically a signal of obeisance to patriarchy, so women who wear it are seen as more respectable than women who don’t in a patriarchal society.
Why does it matter ð? Does EVERYTHING HAVE to be an issue these daysð ??
Do what you want. For myself, I believe it depends on what job I have. No way in hell am I wearing makeup at my current job. A cleaner . ill just sweat it all off xD
I can’t think of a reason either way other than personal preference and workplace dress code. I’ve worked at places that say excessive makeup is a dress code violation. But I’very never seen it enforced.
oh that is such a wide range of what people think make up is — for me it’s very limited … even when going all out some claim you can barely see I have any on ….. but others it means heavy colors. I think make up like clothing is part of our personalities and that I believe is part of why you are often interviewed more then one time — so I would go with doing what you feel is right and more then likely it will be right for work too — because they hired you 🙂
I like wearing makeup to work. It’s something that helps me get psyched up for the day. ððð ðð
I wear bronzer, mascara and blusher for work and that’s my go-to every day makeup. I love dramatic makeup for when I’m going out, but I’m equally as happy without a scrap on, and I certainly don’t worry about people seeing me without it!
Depends on the workplace, and whether or not it’ll keep all day. I can’t find mascara that won’t make me look like a freaking raccoon, ending up under my eyes. So, for me – it depends on how often you can check your makeup, how hot it is, etc.
I love to wear make up and be creative but I’m not wasting my make up at work. I’m a cook, I sweat over a grill all day long. So yeah.. no. â¡
I NEVER wore makeup to work. As a barmaid, or when I worked in an office.
Both. Whatever. You do you.
Whatever I feel like… I usually wear at least concealer but sometimes a full face… I don’t need other people’s commentary however. A few weeks ago I got “omg you are wearing makeup today!” from a coworker. Ugh.
I wear makeup when I want. I am 100% secure in who I am with or without make up. I am beautiful. Make does not make me more or less beautiful, just like what I wear does not. I use it as an accessory.
Do what you want, of course! I wear makeup every day and have fun with it.
Should be ones personal choice to wear make up. Part of my job is selling make up so I wear it to work. I feel it makes me look more professional.
It depends on the job, as a teacher, no I dont wear make up. As a retail sales associate I do.
I wear 50% of the time depending on weather ð
Skip it.
Why is this a question? Let people do their thing, geez
Do what makes you feel good. And mind your own business about others.
Either way, I’m fine… I know that as an interpreter, I prefer to keep my courtroom makeup light and simple, but I will never try and dictate anyone else’s look.
Do whatever makes you happy and don’t believe wat anyone else thinks – case closed
Whatever makes you happy! I like wearing makeup and so I do. My best work friend doesn’t wear makeup. It’s really no big deal either way.