Are you looking for more plus size sustainable brands to shop from? Have you been wondering how to shop brands that are eco friendly and that cater to your style and plus sized body? As the fashion industry has a serious impact on the environment, Textile production produces 1.2 billion tons of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) per year! This is more emissions than both international flights and maritime shipping! WHOA, right?
So what can we do about it?
We can support these emerging plus size sustainable plus size brands who are giving us these options! Eco-conscious brands such as Reformation have been at the forefront for trendy, yet environmentally-friendly fashion. Many sustainable fashion brands are slowly extending into the plus size market. This is changing with the help of the new New York based sustainable plus size brand, Hours.
If you are a fan of clean lines, monochromatic and elevated fashion, Hours may be the brand you’ve been looking for. Hours bills themselves as environmentally conscious clothing specializing in quality and fit, in size 14-28. Co Founder and creative director, Naaz Gulati, knows a little bit about quality & fit. Before launching the brand, she worked in fashion for 10+ years at brands such as Ralph Lauren. Along with her sister-in-law and co-founder, Harroop Gulati Kaur, the pair have committed to sustainable practices at every step.
So what can you expect from Hours?
First Look at the Plus Size Sustainable Brand, Hours

“[We] wanted to make sure we were being responsible in everything we were designing and in every area of our supply chain, from the manufacturing at the fabric level to every single button that goes on, the suppliers that we work with, how we’re shipping the goods, what we’re shipping the goods in, the packaging — everything.” – Naaz Gulati

Providing an Alternative to Fast Fashion
What Hours is doing is providing an alternative to the fast fashion plus size boom of the past few years.

We decided to do something about it.
We understand how every detail contributes to a garment’s quality—from the button chosen to stitch used… know how much energy and waste (fabric, water, CO2 emissions) is used to take a single garment from concept to the selling floor. Using this expertise, we’ve created a low-impact, high-quality collection developed start to finish with women size 14-28 in mind.
Polished but playful, practical but unique, considered but never severe—every HOURS design is ethically crafted, made for fit, and available only to you.

Brands such as Boohoo and Fashion Nova have expanded their sizes to be more inclusive. Unfortunately, their hurried cycle leaves a lot to be desired, in terms of sustainability. And that’s not a dig at fast fashion at all. Fast fashion is accessible, affordable and has dressed plus bodies in trendy clothing long before a lot of the traditional retailers got hip to the game.
However, as that industry continues to grow, we all have to be more conscious of how we are impacting the earth and this is where Hours aims to change the game.
You can shop the brand and collection at!
What do you think about this new addition to the sustainable plus size options? Are you going to check them out? Which pieces are the most curious for you?
Let’s discuss in the comments below!
The black fit and flare dress looks like a knock off Reformation dress. Which is funny because the whole concept is a knock off of Reformation.
Knock off? I do not see that… in the minimalist side of things, there are quite a few similar silhouettes…
Love everything about this.
Many won’t. I predict many won’t understand that there is a difference in the way these garments are sourced and produced that is better for the world & it comes at at a higher price.
But if that higher price ensures ethical labour practices, good quality wardrobe staples, a commitment to saving water & producing less CO2? I’m ready to throw away 30 “junky” single season fast fashion pieces and start building a quality wardrobe that’ll last.
I’m sorry if I’m negative out of the gate, but I’ve spent too many years reading Plus Comment Sections to know the are a bunch who will never be pleased. I’m 50 & as a teen had literally 2 stores in Canada with my size. The style was non existent. And the price was exorbitant – just because they could get away with it before the internet.
Today, I can get Buttery Leather boots to fit my calves at the click of a button! That was like a damned Flying Car in the 80s! But somewhere, someone will complain because expensive or ugly or not their taste or why not blue & it just makes me want to scream at everyone…we’ve made such strides in Plus Fashion in the last decade & as evidenced here, our options keep getting better. As a community we have to support terrific projects that bring us quality & not whine & tear them down because they don’t fit ‘your’ budget or aren’t ‘your’ personal style.
Ok, SoapBox is starting to get creaky, so I’ll jump down now. lol