It’s annoying shopping on a site that offers both plus and straight sizes, and there is not a plus sized model representing what the garment looks like on us. (I’m looking at you, J.Jill.) However, outside of plus size stores, we have all become accustomed to displays featuring mannequins that are not a reflection of who we are. And when we do find a plus size mannequin, it is such a shock and an anomaly.
Do you remember Marie’s trip to Target and the plus size mannequins serving it up? The mannequins Old Navy uses or the array of looks Nordstrom is serving us?

While this is a slow process, it is a curious one. But with all of the plus size fashion progression we are seeing, there is still a question we have:
Why Aren’t We Seeing More Plus Size Mannequins?
Things are changing thanks to L.A. based Greneker Mannequins. But, in a thoughtful, measured manner. When Greneker set out to make plus size mannequins, they didn’t just widen their existing models, toss them in their catalog and hope for the best.
Rather, a great deal of care was made to create realistic representations of the plus size woman. The mannequins start at a 14 and go up to through a size 18 (can we get more brands using this size 18?). While they are an idealized version of a full figured woman, we see slow baby steps in the right direction…
These Plus Size Mannequins are Striking a Pose!
Plus size mannequins are a successful first step. But girl! The poses that are struck are one of confidence and owning the space they are in.
One mannequin is in mid-stride, another is paused thoughtfully with her hand on her hip. Another is commanding her seat as she sits atop a cube. These mannequins are no shrinking violets, these are forms that are kicking ass and taking names!
A Ripple Affecting Change
As Greneker is a major player in the retail display game, this speaks to a shift in how stores and the industry are thinking. Once, we were limited to a small plot of square footage off in the corner near the tire department. You remember girl…
Now, retailers are starting to extend sizes of regular merchandise and adding us in the racks of the straight sizes. This means we can shop alongside our friends and feel welcome, as opposed to being an afterthought.

I’m still dreaming of the day that our sizes are represented in Holiday display windows, in iconic retail juggernauts like Barneys New York and Bergdorf Goodman. Girl, it’s coming!
How do you feel about having and seeing more plus size mannequins? Do they help you feel welcome and included or do mannequins not move you?
Let’s discuss!