The clock strikes midnight and all of a sudden- it is on. The holiday cheer fades into a dark, hazy cloud of suffocating messages surrounding diet and weight loss. Every year, gym memberships, diet and weight loss campaigns are shoved down the throats of undeserving individuals. Consistently, we are pressured to lose weight simply because the clock struck midnight and the calendar reads a new year.
When did the tradition of body shaming and partaking in extreme weight loss goals, during the month of January, develop? Who passed a law requiring major body transformations to take place on January 1st? (Now, I will add, if you are making lifestyle changes for YOU, go for it. But keep in mind the motivation and your why.)
How about this… I challenge you to drop the weight of worrying about how others think you should look and gain the courage to love yourself the way you are, at this moment.
I declare 2019 the year of self-love, self-care and self-awareness.

Giving yourself the gift of self-love is a gift that never goes out of style or expires. There is nothing wrong with existing the way you are. There is absolutely no crime in looking in the mirror and saying: “I love myself just the way I am.”
Instead of the typical, “I want to lose x amount of weight,” let’s kick off our New Year celebration with a three step plan to increasing self-love, self-care and self-awareness. A year to living BOLDER in who we are.
A New Year and 3 Steps to a Bolder You!
Step 1. Get Rid of the Negative and Surround with Positive
Dropping the negative is more liberating than people give it credit for. Eliminating negativity is as simple as not answering the phone call of a friend that wants nothing more than to bring down your vibe. Once negativity is identified, it can be eliminated.
After eliminating negativity, all-of-a-sudden everything looks brighter. Especially when you replace things and people in your life who edify, pour into, motivate, and encourage. When we apply this premise to our attitude toward our bodies and our self-image, it becomes easier to love and appreciate our bodies just the way they are currently.
Step 2. Do More of What Makes You Happy

Whenever you to do something outside of your comfort zone, it is natural to feel insecure or less confident. BUT! Exploring what makes you happy will begin the journey of self-love, self-care and self-awareness. Applying this attitude towards a person’s wardrobe can increase confidence and self-esteem, without losing one single pound.
For example, if I constantly wear skinny jeans because I want to be trendy, but hate the way they make me feel, I can start to feel less confident and begin to hate my body. But, if I stop wearing skinny jeans and opt to wearing a garment that is comfortable and reflects my personal style, I will immediately love the way I look and feel comfortable in my own skin, no diet needed.
This journey to living BOLDER is all about experimenting, trying new things, and finding what works for YOU. What makes YOU happy. What UPLIFTS you.
Step 3. Put Yourself First
Sometimes it is easy to put work, family, friends, chores and finding love before yourself. We are oftentimes raised to be and do this. I often find excuses to neglect myself. “Finishing laundry is far more important than painting my nails,” I tell myself. “Those dishes will not wash themselves,” I say when I need a nap.
The reasons to focus on other things aside from yourself are countless. I have learned that it is okay to let the dishes wait, if it means taking a moment to take care of me. If you don’t love yourself who will? A little self-care goes a long way when it comes to the journey of self-love and self-awareness. And again, no counting calories needed.
Every person has the right to love his or her body. Every body, rather if it is large, small, short, tall, scared, hairy, lumpy, wrinkly or not- is worthy of love.
What are some of the things you plan to-do this year to increase your self-love, self-care and self-awareness?
The longer I live on this earth, the more I value who I am and what I have today, I don’t intend to wait until tomorrow. Don’t let the date on the calendar or a number on a scale make you feel less than worthy of all the world has to offer.