Earlier this year the plus size fashion subscription brand, Dia & Co, made a hella boss move and ran a full-page spread in the New York Times on the first day of New York Fashion Week. Their #movefashionforward message was set to motivate readers and industry leaders to speak up and encourage designers, who don’t normally cater to the plus size market to hear their call and enter into the plus size fashion industry. Fast forward and we’re just a week out from Fall NYFW and Torrid is set to be the first plus size brand to be featured on the runway!
I do appreciate and support this message, because I too have fallen in love with an article of clothing only to feel slightly jaded by the fact it’s not available in plus size or the designer is just not one who will make it in a plus size, I found several alternatives to still fill my closet. So while we all may have a list of top designers we would love to see open up to plus size, indie plus size designers are already out here making it size up to 28+.
There are several independent plus size designers and fashion brands out here who cater to full figure women, creating clothing we want to see at NYFW and on the red carpet. Offering us just as many options needed to suit our aesthetics and lifestyle.
7 Plus Size Designers and Brands We’d Love To See At NYFW
Whitney Mero
Courtney Noelle
Christian Omeshun
Tyrell Holmes
Monif C.
Do you know anything about these indie designers or brands? Many will customize your look any way you like, of course with fees, but this is why we love the relationship between the indie designers and the plus size community. They know we want to look good, wear dope clothes and understand the dynamic curves of the plus size figure, which reflects in their designs.
Where can I find the red and gold dresses in the main photo? They’re gorgeous!