Corissa Enneking is making major moves in the fight for self-acceptance and body positivity. The 33-year-old, self-described “happy fatty” has been on a journey for the past few years to push back against negative ideas she learned from society about her body. Enneking shares her adventures with family, friends and beyond via her Instagram, which has over 207,000 followers, as well as her website, Fat Girl Flow.
Enneking isn’t afraid to be bold with her fashion choices. At any given moment you’ll see her wearing prints, bikinis, baring her midriff, wearing skin-tight clothing and much more–all of the things that plus size women are told not to wear.
Corinne Enneking’s Bold Brand Of Body Positivity
Photo courtesy of Corissa Enneking
There are few things I love more than being at the pool with my best friend on hot summer days and my absolute favorite outfit is a bikini and a layer of sunscreen. Someday, I may move somewhere that winter doesn’t exist, for now I’ll be staying in the Midwest where my beautiful family and friends are.
Photo courtesy of Corissa Enneking
Enneking provides tips on plus size work wear, where to shop and even has her own line of accessories and t-shirts with fun and edgy phrases like, “Happy Fatty,” “Fat Bitch,” “Fat & Proud” and more. The bonus is that Enneking’s partner, and her dogs, Taco and Petty, often come along for the ride. It’s easy to see how Fat Girl Flow has become a movement, with a community of women who can relate.
The fat community welcomed me with open squishy arms, and in April 2015 I created
Fat Girl Flow has been featured on several major media outlets like HuffingtonPost, Cosmopolitan, Life and Style, and The Daily Mail. Through media exposure, changing the stigma one post and merch-sale at a time will get easier by the day.
Photo courtesy of Corissa Enneking
My purpose is to celebrate our lives and our bodies as we are right now. Without caveats, without explanation. I am a perfect expression of myself in this moment, and so are you.
Corissa will be bringing her bold positivity and years of blogger knowledge to the 2019 TCFStyle Expo Blogger Mastermind Day on this Friday, August 9. Get your ticket for the Expo now and come meet Corissa!
Have you checked out Fat Girl Flow? Are you coming to the Expo? We’d love to know, tell us in the comments!