I was reading a post and was inspired. I was going to make this a post about if I could write a love letter to my body, but then I thought to myself, what about YOU? I wanted to know if this was something you have done and could do? What do you love about YOU?
We are in this journey together, right?

With that, I wanted to know how you would answer this…
If you could write a love letter to your favorite part of your body, which would it be?
Which body part would it be? Could you do this exercise?
If you could write a love letter to your favorite part of your body, which body part would you choose? Are you in a good enough place that you actually play up an asset?

Is it such a foreign thought to take a moment to adore the favorite part of YOU? Do you have more than one favorite? Do you love all of you?
As you can see, this topic had my mind wandering… Me?
I sat on this and gave it a lot of thought. I would write a letter to my legs. The thickness, the shape, the strength, the support they give me? I am appreciative to them. And maybe??? My eyes. I love them.
So, I ask, If you could write a love letter to your favorite part of your body, which would it be?

Think of a favorite body part, I dare you.
I dare you to find a part of your body seen or unseen that you love, that makes you feel amazing about yourself. Hell, it can even be YOUR MIND. But, the point here is that you find a part of your body that you love and address it, lovingly!
Learning to love you, in all your entirety is so important to your existence. BUT with all the media telling us this is bad, this is bad, change this to be this… it can be quite discouraging.
And we happen to NOT be along in this. The Shine App shares that “taking a moment for some reflective writing has proven benefits—like decreasing anxiety and increasing creativity and confidence.”
So, look in the mirror.
Better yet… when was the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror, lovingly? Without criticism? With appreciation and care? And even… confidence?

Think about the clothes you wear and WHY you love how you look in them.
Do you “girls” bring you joy? Do your legs go on for days? Are you loving the curve in your arms? Do you love the roundness of your tummy? Do you admire the strength of your body? The softness of your skin?
Go for it! I dare you.
Have you done this exercise before? I am going to give this a try and I’d love for YOU to try this in the comments or in your own post on YOUR blog and link us, so we can all read it!
I will follow up with this, but in the meantime, let’s hear it!
If you could write a love letter to your favorite part of your body, which would it be?
I like this post! I might do one of my own.. Hmmmm probably my Butt!! I love that thang back there!! Always checking it out making sure it’s popping!! LMBO!! But seriously, I would tell my butt to keep working out and have no worries, you are big and God created you that way for a reason! #hubby
Heheheheh yeaaaaaa! Look forward to it!
Dear Legs,
Thank you for allowing me to use you each day. You keep me moving and you are so strong. The fact that you grow little hair and I don’t have to shave you is truly a plus in my book. You are curvy and sexy and I love you.
YES ma’am. Thank you sooo much for sharing!!! WOot!
Dear Hips,
I love the way you sway when I walk. I used to try to hide you and I’m sorry. I promise to continue to be proud of the way you accentuate my womanliness? (is that a word!? lol) But for real, I love my hips 🙂
Dear Ass,
Thanks for landing me my husband.
My legs because they have carried me though the storm for over 40 years!
Dear butt:
I love how you propel me through all my crazy activities (fencing, bellydancing, kettlebells) and look SO GOOD doing it! Also, you are why they invented jeans.
Love, me
dear heart, i love you for being the biggest part of my body; even thou you are too sensitive sometimes, you are always strong. dear aqua eyes, i got you from my mom and i love you for helping me see that there actually are good things out there. and, you look kickass in those everlasting eyelashes i got from my father. to the rest of my body; im sorry for being so mean. im sorry for taking care of you so badly lately. you carry me around and i get to live in you; which is the greatest gift i’ve ever received. sincerely, a very over-critical but trying to change- Britney
MY GIRLS! even thou you’re small (compared to my best friend’s) you are so beautiful I love the way you look in a t-shirt or a dress and how you make my waist and hips pop, thank you because you’re healthy and because I know some day you will feed my children!
Love always
P.S. you both always get the guys’ attention don’t worry!
MY GIRLS! even though you may feel small, you are so beautiful and I love the way you look on a t-shirt as well as on a cute dress, and how you make my waist and hips pop, thank you because you’re healthy and I know some day you will feed my children!
P.S. you both still get the guys’ attention…don;t worry! ;D
Love, always.
Dear Shoulders-
I love how strong you are. You help me do my favourite things in the world: hug people, swim, throw. I love how you’re always pushed back, keeping me standing straight and ready for the world. I love the little dimples you get when I raise my arms. I love how you never shrug, presenting a strong and proud stance to the world.
Keep getting stronger.
<3 H