Hey girls! We’ve got some super exciting news to share with you today! This year has been groundbreaking for Torrid! They’ve announced that they’re going to be the first plus size brand to present at NYFW, and now Torrid has joined in on the fun of giving back to the community with the creation of the Torrid Foundation!
The foundation comes at no surprise because it is essentially an extension of their brand which is known for empowering women!
“At Torrid, we are dedicated to helping all women feel confident,” says Torrid CEO, Kay Hong. “But we want to do more to help support and raise awareness for women’s causes that can make a real difference.”
What better way to empower women than by combining fashion with education? The Torrid Foundation was set up to raise funds & partner with other non-profit organizations to help women change their lives. Funds are garnered through donations, roundups at the register, product proceeds and fundraiser events.
Torrid’s first program they are supporting Soroptimist/LiveYourDream.org and their Live Your Dream Awards®.
Our collective mission is to improve the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment.
Soroptimist/LiveYourDream.org is an online volunteer and activist network “movement fiercely dedicated to ensuring every woman and girl has the opportunity to reach her full potential, be free from violence, and live her dreams.”
The Live Your Dream Awards ® assists women who provide the primary source of financial support for their families by giving them the resources they need to improve their education, skills and employment prospects. The Live Your Dream Awards ® began in 1972 and since inception has provided almost $30 million in education grants to tens of thousands of women! You can find out more about the Live Your Dream Awards ® and how to apply at LiveYourDream.org.

To learn more about the Torrid Foundation go to Torrid.com/Torrid-Foundation or Donate now at Torrid.com
So ladies, now its on you! Will you help your fellow sisters in need? Do you want to help give back and pour into your sisters? Let us know your thoughts and how you have helped or will help in your community in the comments!