The pressure is on. Expectations are high. The day of red hearts, pink flowers, and dinner reservations is right around the corner. Yes, Valentine’s Day is here.
The day when even the most confident of independent women falter, even coupled-up women worry they’ll end up disappointed. It’s one of the most difficult days of the year when it comes to self-worth. What’s on the line is more than just a night out or a box of chocolates, it’s often your feelings about yourself.
Many of us put our hearts… and our perception of ourselves, on the line on Valentine’s Day, because we have a lot of expectations about how it should go. We decide that if we’re alone on Valentine’s Day there’s something wrong with us. That we aren’t date-able or even lovable.
But this year I want you to toss aside this idea and meet it with love.
How can you feel less alone on Valentine’s Day without falling into doom and gloom?
Let go of expectations and celebrate. Celebrate how awesome you are and treat yourself the way you know you deserve, in a relationship or now.
Treat yo’ self so you can love yo’ self.
Heck, I’m guessing when you put some real effort in, you’ll treat yourself better than even the best of men.
Because you know what you desire the most.
So here’s the key…
Set the intention that you’re going to have a good time.
And remember that you are no less special than a girl who has a date that night. In fact, you might even be more special, because you get to have it exactly your way!
How often do you take time just for yourself?
There was a time when I had a really hard time being on my own. I had a belief that if I was alone, that meant nobody loved me, so I didn’t ever spend time by myself. But the more I did, the more I loved myself because I actually spent time honoring my needs, not what someone else wanted.
And the more I loved myself, the more I actually attracted love, because I didn’t need someone else to make me happy.

Last year I was single on Valentine’s Day and I made a plan to do something really fun and adventurous. I called it my ‘Self Love Weekend’. I drove an hour from LA and rented an Airbnb all to myself so I could visit a wolf sanctuary where I got to go for a hike with the wolf pack (for real!).
Then, I took myself out to a fancy French dinner after. With candles and wine, I read a book and fell asleep in my robe. It was glorious.
Now? I crave weekends away by myself, without any obligations.
So if you take yourself out for a weekend or stay in on your own, here are some things you can do to feel extra special and loved.
Take a bath
Essential oils, candles, bubbles, music, that book you’ve been meaning to read…oh, and don’t forget a glass of wine. Shut off all your electronics and just soak. Soak in the oils and soak in the self-love.
Make Valentine’s Day plans
Sometimes hanging out with your girls is the best medicine. In fact, the love hormone, oxytocin, is released when three or more women are together! Who needs a man to get you high on love when soul sisters will do just fine?
Have a foodie night in
This is not a day for food rules (or any day really). Treat yourself to your favorite meal. Let someone else cook for you. Light some candles. Put on some music. Have a romantic dinner with your one-and-only (you!) and savor every bite.
Go to the Spa
A massage. A body scrub. Soaking in the hot tub. There’s nothing better. My favorite indulgence these days is the Korean spa. Only $25 for entry and you get to use all the rooms all day long.

Go to a museum
Is it just me or are museums more fun alone when you can wander at will? Linger on things you love. Read all the descriptions without being rushed. And who knows, you might even meet someone single AND intellectual who had the same brilliant idea.
Watch your favorite cheesy movie or dive into a book
What’s that one movie you love more than anything that no one ever wants to watch with you? That one. Watch that one.
Or come up with something all on your own!
Listen to your intuition. Have fun. Get playful. And most of all remember to focus on love and abundance, not lack. You have all that you need. There’s no other person who will complete you until you feel complete all on your own.
Are you single? How do you celebrate Valentine’s Day for yourself? Let’s discuss it!