So far this spring, we’ve seen all the fun, flirty and innovative ways we can upgrade our wardrobe. From head to toe, there are many, many ways we can renew our looks. April is all about treating ourselves, so why not? We deserve it! But what about our nails?!?
We’ve told you all about how your spring wardrobe can get a welcome boost with stripes, florals, and denim this season.  And today, we’re here to help you update your manicure, too.  Spring is the perfect time to go daring with your nail color and design choices. With mother nature brightening our world with loads of color, why not have your nails do the same?
Enjoy some #nailspo not from the runway or the magazines, but from our favorite source of all things trending… Instagram!!!
10 Spring Nail Design Inspirations To Try!!
It’s time to ditch your tried and true colors and be a bit wild this season! Let your nails illustrate how beautiful and exciting you are… inside and out! Whether you hit up your favorite nail salon, or go the DIY route… It’s time to break out of your nail rut and get yourself some nice, nice nails!
What nail design trend are you eager to try this spring?
Which of the above designs are your favorites? Let’s chat all about it in the comments!!
YES!!!! I just got my spring pedi! HOT PINK! mwahahha!
what did you do on your hands????
Glad to see I wasn’t the only thinking red hehe
oh, heyyyy nails!
Can’t! ICU nurse and they’re strict on what we can use on our nails. Pretty tho!
Daughter would. I would on my cute little toes. But not fingers.
What color do you do no your hands?
In a heart beat!
What color do you have on now?
Just had this color on last week 💅
What color now?
Nah, they’re cute but I prefer au naturale.
Totally understand!!!
For like one hour then the they would instantly chip and the jewels would fall off.
Oh no! Where do you go!?! My gems stay on for like three weeks !
Ohhh yah!!! Bribg it on!!!
Definitely! I’d lose the gems in no time but that color is fab.
Unless they have some negative hidden meaning yes I would. Those are super cute .
Tiffany blue nails. I feel it.
The first one, by nailnirvana2014, I love those colors and I like the ring nail accent. Good choice for spring nail art.
Floral art is classic when speaking of spring nail designs. My favorite spring colors are nude, pink, white and other soft shades. For those who don’t have time or money to go to nail salon I would recommend negative space nail art.