With all these factors playing against us, would you believe me if I told you that my first time wearing...
Read moreDetailsThe wedding planning experience was one that she’ll never forget. Kara shares her wedding dress shopping and overcoming her plus...
Read moreDetailsOur beauty writer shares what her 40's have taught her, and why her 40's are her best years yet!
Read moreDetailsFatphobia is a global issue. But, unfortunately, the medical industry will continue to push devices such as these, procedures, regimens,...
Read moreDetailsFlying while fat and/or disabled has always been a very stressful experience, but will a possible new proposed policy make...
Read moreDetailsGRAMMY-nominated rapper, Chika, is currently dealing with the dark side of life and the music industry and it can serve...
Read moreDetailsWhile all body-shaming is wrong and should be stopped, "skinny shaming" is nowhere as detrimental as anti-fat bias.
Read moreDetailsThe World Health Organization is focusing on health inequalities after a year of living in a pandemic across the globe....
Read moreDetailsFor many fat people, the doctor’s office is a place where they have experienced weight stigma. The doctor's office is...
Read moreDetailsWhen did our (Fat Liberation) movement turn into policing fat bodies - when they diet, get weight loss surgery, or...
Read moreDetailsNo one particularly likes being told they are privileged. But, it's so important to realize and acknowledge the many ways...
Read moreDetailsBeing a fat person is hard and it can be even harder to boldly call yourself fat.
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