Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The TCFStyle Lounge Community Guidelines

WELCOME TO The TCFStyle Lounge!

The TCFStyle Lounge Community is an extension of our platform, providing our community a virtual home for of all things plus.  Our goal is to create a safer space to fellowship with likeminded and experienced readers and supporters of The Curvy Fashionista. We very much would like you to help us do just that, so here are some community guidelines for how to participate — either in our community or on social over on Facebook, our Facebook Group, and Instagram.



As plus size people, we understand and relate to the nuances and frustrations that plus size people experience daily. It is through our work and passion; that we aim to create lasting and positive impacts within our community and industry.  This community is an extension of TCF to further dive deeper into topics that we live, know, and breath, in a safer space.


With our plus size fashion experience, collective knowledge, and shared passions, we work smartly, take care of our community, and have fun in order to ensure the sustainability and success of our community. Everything we share, promote, and include will come from a plus size perspective, woven into our platform.


We innovate and push for boundless creativity through curiosity. Our business has no future if we don’t deliver results for our community. Happy members fuel our growth, and so everything we do needs to serve the needs of our community.


We’re never too big or too important to show up and serve our community. We do whatever it takes to delight our audience, partners, and community. We support and share responsibility with the members of our team. Ego should never become an obstacle.


Authenticity and integrity are not fancy words that are shared to sell you. Nope. This community is one that has been carefully thought out to bring you a consistent, enjoyable, & reliable experience. We don’t sell out our audience in the name of profit. Trust is our currency and is extremely valuable to us.


If we’re not all enjoying ourselves, then we’re doing it wrong. Yes, all of us. It’s better to make less money doing things the way we want, than prioritize profit and growth over delivering on our goals and values.

The Quick & Simple Overview

  • We’re so glad you’re here! We hope you will help create great conversations in our community.
  • Do politely ask us questions and let us know what you like and don’t like about a specific article or video, or the ideas we talk about in it.
  • Don’t be a jerk, call people jerks, or react to jerks. We’ll remove bad stuff when we see it.
  • Respect and help our TCFStyle Stars (our team of ambassadors and moderators). It’s a small team of dedicated, caring humans working hard to make things better.

Lay of the land

We want to keep it fun, informative, and empowering. With that, there are a few things that will get your comment or forum post removed and quite possibly get you banned. Note that this is not a comprehensive list. Our moderators reserve the right to remove anything we deem inappropriate.

  • Spam: Zero tolerance, of course! If it comes from a human or a robot, spam will be deleted. This includes self-promotion- we will have forums, threads and opportunities for this.
  • Personal attacks: Don’t attack or insult another user. It’s not helpful and it doesn’t make The TCFStyle Lounge a friendly place. This includes calling other members trolls.
  • Doxxing: Don’t reveal someone else’s personal information.
  • Illegal activities: Posting links to illegal downloads, ways to steal service, and other nefarious activity is not OK here.
  • NSFW material: Nope, not allowed. Even images or links that could be considered borderline are not acceptable. A good rule of thumb is that anything beyond PG-13 will get you in trouble, but we reserve the right to remove any post we deem offensive. This goes for pornographic material, vile language, gore and generally gross stuff.
  • Racism, sexism, and other discrimination: Attacking entire classes of people is just like attacking a single person: we’ll ban you for it.
  • Trolling: “Trolling” is a big, messy term, but we know what trolls are and we won’t tolerate it. If you’re abusing the good conversations here at The TCFStyle Lounge, we will take your comments and posts down. This includes taking a thread off-topic, by the way.
  • Spreading misinformation: We are not a platform for spreading conspiracy theories and misinformation and will remove posts promoting obvious falsehoods.
  • Multiple accounts and throwaway emails: We don’t allow multiple accounts per user. Using a disposable email address signals to us that you might not be here for the right reasons. You also may not create accounts designed to impersonate another person.
  • Cross posting: Don’t make duplicate posts across different forums — it clogs things up and fractures the conversation.

Above all, our TCFStyle Stars (our team of ambassadors and moderators) works to keep conversation here friendly, engaging, helpful, and productive. If we feel a comment or forum post is harming that endeavor, we’ll take action.

See any of the above? You can help us out by flagging (more on that below). Any comments that are a reply to spammy/ inappropriate/ trolling comments will also be deleted with the original comment, so don’t reply — just flag!


We’re trying to foster great conversation and we will remove comments that impede on this. You’re free to say whatever you like other places, but not here. At The TCFStyle Lounge, we have a different standard and work very hard to keep the conversation informative and fun. The bottom line is that Team TCF and the TCFStyle Stars have the final say on whether it fits within our community guidelines.


You can register by clicking “Join” at the top of the page and then you can either register directly or register with your email address. You may be interested in checking out our privacy policy and Terms of Use if you’re the legalese type.

The next step is to customize your profile. You can upload a photo and tell everybody a little about yourself. You can also edit your account settings to link your social media accounts and set up how you’d like for the community to see you and your profile. You can always edit your profile by clicking your own name in the upper-right hand corner of the site.


There are four ways to interact on The TCFStyle Lounge. Here’s the basics, but there’s much more information down below.

  • Post/Reply to a comment: We love comments, and simply by registering you can comment on any thread and forum here.  
  • Join a Forum in the Lounge: The Lounge forums are a great place to talk about fashion, relationships, motherhood, career and more. In order to post in a forum, just visit the forum you’d like to talk about or conversation that you’d like to join in on.
  • Join a Group: If you are a VIP Member, you can join and create special interest groups.Groups have the ability to be attached to specific forums, so if you would like to take your conversation a bit further with like-minded plus folks, you are free to do so.
  • Get in touch: Have a news tip? Want to contact the moderators? See a bug? Feel free to get in touch with us.


  • Questions about moderation: We’re happy to have a discussion with you about it — in private. We’ve found from long and hard experience that public complaints about moderation just leads to people trying to “game” the system. If you have a question about moderation, hit us up on our contact form and we’ll have a talk. If there’s a big policy change or something we would like to say publicly about moderation, we’ll post it in our forums and update this document.
  • Helping out our TCFStyle Stars: Our ambassadors and moderators work very, very hard with your best interests at heart. Please help them out by flagging inappropriate comments and take heed when they ask you to change your behavior. Note that most of our moderators are volunteers freely dedicating their time to help make things better. They don’t speak for the site, but still deserve your gratitude.
  • Becoming a TCFStyle Star: We don’t have an application process; we select from the best members of our community. If you want to be a Style Star, our advice to you is to be awesome: Welcome new community members, join and start conversations, help users when they have questions, flag inappropriate comments with good explanations of why, and generally just show us that you’re a helpful and real human being. When the time comes, we may tap you on the shoulder and ask if you’re interested.


Comments are a lovely way to talk about certain topics, forum posts, and reviews you find on The Curvy Fashionista or in the TCFStyle Lounge. They can also be a lot to keep up with, so we have some tools to make it all easier.

Every comment also has a few links associated with it:

  • Reply: Use this to reply to that specific comment. Your reply will be threaded to that comment.
  • Flag: This is the link you use to report a post to the moderators. Use it on spam, on personal attacks, or on racist or sexist language. Do not use it to report stuff you disagree with or to hassle users. Our Style Stars work really hard, please help them help you!


The TCFStyle Lounge offers a full WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor on forum posts.

Our editors and moderators will be watching out for great content to promote on the site as well as inappropriate content. In other words, all the rules above about spam, abusive behavior, and basic human decency apply across our community.

You can help! Recommend or Flag forum posts to bring them to our attention. If a forum post is terrible, please flag it instead of commenting — even if the comments are great, we will remove forum posts that run against our community guidelines.

Managing Your Account

Need to disable your account, request a name change, or make changes to your membership type? You can do this via your profile or if you get stuck, please get in touch with us and we can help you out.

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