Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Most frequently asked questions and answers

Membership Questions

If you are joining the TCFStyle Lounge for the first time, please follow TCFStyle lounge Welcome Guide: for new TCFStyle Community members.

If you are renewing your TCFStyle Lounge membership, please Click the account tab on your profile to upgrade your membership.

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I am item content. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Yes, you will be directed to a welcome page, giving you a tour of the space and then you will be able to jump into the conversations.

Community Questions

I am item content. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar leo.

We have created a basic account for you, but you can add more information to your account, including a profile picture, that will help other members find you and start building professional relationships. From the “My Profile” option in the black menu at the top of the page:

Hover your mouse cursor over the profile picture. An “Edit” button will slide into frame. Click on it and you can upload a photograph from your computer to be your profile picture.

Click on the “About” tab for a complete list of your profile information.

You can click on the “Edit” pencil to the right of each piece of information about you to edit it, or you can mark it as hidden if you would prefer not to share this information with other community members.

Only TCFStyle Lounge members logged in can see your profile or anything you post here.

Just like with other social media sites, in the TCFStyle Lounge you can:

  • Post photographs.
  • Post status updates to let other members know what you are doing
  • Share stories and links to news and ask questions.
  • Or combine photographs, words and links for a full multi-media experience like in the example below.
  • You can like and share other members’ posts.
  • Reply to a members’ status to begin a conversation.

You can connect with old friends and new by finding and connecting with other members.

Use the Directory …

… or the Search box in the menu bar to find other TCFStyle Lounge members.

Click “Connect” to invite a member to be a part of your space.

Group are places where TCFStyle Lounge  members can meet, share information, and collaborate. We have groups for interests, issues and special purpose groups. Let us know if there are additional groups would help.

You can view a list and search for groups from the “Groups” tab on the navigation menu.

To join a group, please click “Join Group” to join.

Some groups are available for anyone to join, some require approval from the group moderator and some are invitation only.


Coming in the fall of 2021, there will be a free mobile app for both iPhone and Android that you can use to access the TCFStyle Lounge and receive notices on your mobile device.

It is important that the resources available through the TCFStyle Lounge member portal be used in accordance with the law — but also that members treat each other respectfully and in accordance with the TCFStyle Lounge’s values in their interactions.

Toward this end, we have a TCFSTyle Lounge Community Guidelines and Rules.

If you are the subject of inappropriate treatment, or believe that something you have come across in the community is illegal or abusive, please use the Report Abuse page to let us know and we will look into the matter immediately.

If after consulting this TCFStyle Lounge membership FAQ, you stall have an unanswered question, you can reach us by the e-mail address, telephone number or web form listed on our Contact Us page.

Welcome Back!

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Please enter your username or email address to reset your password.